I'm trying so hard, but never seem to accomplish anything.

i just wan't to go to the seaside.

shine on.

when autumn falls next year, and three years ahead.

yours was the first face that i saw, think i was blind before i met you.

vackra ord är inte alltid sanna, sanna ord är inte alltid vackra.

NOVEMBER 21 2009

some live to show their beauty, some just try to hide it so that people will see something else.

I'm sick of pouring myself out into careless hands.

Are we getting closer, or are we just getting more lost?

The sun can take too long to end the endless night.

no comforting words wisperd in this chaos can stop the pouring rain.

trying, just trying.

hon kan inte veta om vingarna kan ta henne upp i det blå, som något du aldrig kan nå.

I have to walk a thousand miles in shoes I never asked to fill.

when it's all black you're that little spark, lighting the fire.

you've become just like everyone else.

she walks through bullets and haze.

oip666ew9n6eg3ewr+0 pgn63reip, random letters.

it was the end of life as we knew it, the perfect days.

it was pouring down the third night in september.

du är du och jag är jag och vi är inte dom.

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