If we admit that human life can be ruled by reason, then all possibility of life is destroyed.

how many more days will you sit and talk about your ambitions, all that you can be, the person you are dying to be?

she sure knows how to disconnect me from my social surrounding in an hour.

well we scheme and we scheme but we always blow it, we've yet to crash, but we still might as well tow it.

how consistent, how can someone so consistently mess up as much as every instance? how can someone inconsistent mess up so consistently?

I miss the person that you were but i don't miss you.

dom bråkiga barnen leker i sin direkta demokrati det är bara dom som har fattat, titta när barnen leker.

mockingbird, wish me luck.

Oh well, in five years time we could be walking round the zoo with the sun shining down on me and you, and there'll be sun, sun, sun so what the hell.

jag skickar livet som ett brev, som några rader i en sång jag skrev med drömmen om en evig dag, nånting om tidlöshetens lag, en laglöshet av tidlös lag.

you said you're free and for me that says it all, you're free to push me and I'm free to fall.

we've all been sorry, we've all been hurt, but how we survive is what makes us who we are.

this town kills you when you're young.

I could wait noight and day, sigh your name when i pray. there ain't no promises, no commitments.

bright lights, i'm sorry this is not my house. atleast we are all friends in school and the birds do love this town.


the music's getting louder, the feeling more familiar and you can look a thousand times, but it will never change.

i'm sitting on the porch in the sunset back at home, she's got my blue jeans on as she dances to our favorite song.

jag har en vän som heter jonas mellström. han är snel.

seriously, fuck all that for awhile, what's the point of being a kid if you're not gonna run wild and break every stupid rule?

versen du kör kommer alltid låta bull om du gör den för pengarnas skull. samma resonemang samma brist på talang samma skit samma etablissemang samma falska klang.

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