we're the people that we wanted to know, and we're the places that we wanted to go.

nu blir jag säkert kär i dig, pinsamt jävla kär i dig, nu blir jag säkert kär i dig, precis som man kunnat vänta sig.

9/19, what a day of shame for the most enlightened country, or you say so. but how modern is it to be racial?

we laugh until we think we’ll die, barefoot on a summer night, nothin’ new is sweeter than with you.

i believed if i could climb the trees behind the house, i'd touch the sky.

everyone determined with the mania of owning thing. all the things paper-thin and paper-frail. and all the people too.

if I cannot take you for a liar or a lover I'll take you for my brother in arms.

my wounded eyes will see again.

det bästa som hände mig förra året.

you've gotta let it all go before the adult world strings you up and skins your skinny bones clean to the bone.

kastar vi ankar eller släpper vi loss, lättar vi ankar eller knyter du fast mig?

Why should we ever even ever really even get to know? I'll be patiently erasing and recording the wrong episodes.


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