don't you bury me six feet under ground, just burn my body in a box and let my ashes blow with the wind out into the night sky.

dagens tips, vill du slippa kräla i snön i 3 timmar, lita inte på en skidåkare! dagens tips, dagens tips, lalalalala dagens tips.

today I offer all myself to this, I'm living for my dying wish. I give it all, now there's a reason, there's a reason to give it all.

this is just to tell you that i wear your dress sometimes, i wear it down to the bar in town and dance around all night. talking and joking, swearing and smoking like any stranger in a crowd and nobody stares, nobody cares to tell me i’m not allowed.

jag vill inte längre veta vad jag kan, jag misstror mig själv och håller ensam hand i hand. så dansar vi till dansmusik igen, så dansar vi till dansmusik igen.

natten är ung, vi kan slå sönder några timmar ihop och när dom kastar fat och vaser runt omkring kan vi hitta skydd i samma rum.

picture your least favorite place, add a cold house then add a guard, picture being trapped there.

he's the man you don't see in the mirror.

klart du kan, klart du kan göra drömmen till sann. jag sa du kan om du vill, du vill så du kan!

mellan hopp att förändra världen och ett lopp utan något värde, mellan botten och stjärnorna.

the dark was still a mystery, something hidden, something to be scared of, but i'd come to fear the light too. it was where everything was revealed, or seemed to be.

ska va kriminellt när man rappedirappar, ska va pimp som papa dee papa.

from point A to point B, oh i know, lots of points with no points in between for me.

you've gotta live free to stay free, like a bird thats on her own. well we get there when we get there so just live it slow.

misery fucking loves me, but I love her more. she is the last light, the dark nights, noose around my neck, the hole in the floor.

i'm only into this to enjoy.

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