att styra upp livet.

where will i be?

you're the good things.

steady walking but bound to trip, should release but just tighten my grip.

there is nothing simple when it comes to you and i, there is always something in this everchanging life.

some good things they never will stand a chance, i guess you and me baby we were doomed from the start.

bröstet tungt och jag går runt i fyra nyanser av strunt.

enough is enough, but how much is too much? why am I still just a sheep to your touch, why can't I ever fall asleep at dusk, why do I need to see everything crushed.

behöver mer kluddddddd.

I can make it all the way to you.

let me in to where only your thoughts have been. let me occupy your mind as you do mine.

deidei dajsa

now I feel like I'm losing my mind, I used to think all the time, now thinking hurts, and feeling is worse.

snö, bada, resa.

that hipster song with the whisteling 2.

jag vill bara bara dricka varm chocklad.

megan, i just want you to know that i waited for as long as i could.

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