i rule this world.

this is cardiac arrest of a world too proud to admit our mistakes, we're crashing into the ground as we all fall from grace.

i'll take you in pieces, we can take it all apart. i've suffered shipwrecks right from the start, i've been underwater, breathing out and in.

i am a weekend warrior.

can we start again, go back to what it meant back then, open minds and open hearts, the things that set us apart, was it more than words and do they still apply?

I'm wide open, this season i've turned my life around.

el amor te puede dar unas dosis de felicidad que nunca te dará la amistrad.

i can rise, i can stand and speak for me, i can do whatever crosses my mind, i can feel remorse and listen to angry hardcore.

we could drift away yet you precist to stay rooted deep in that leached soil.

i see the love in your brothers eyes, i see the love in your mothers cries.

i know they call it young summer love and us naive, maybe we are.

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