far from

i will feel my heart drum its final beat if that means i have given this my all.

från minnenas negativ film, mars - september 2012


I may go to places i have never been to just to find the deepest desires in my mind.

snö, bada, resa.

that hipster song with the whisteling 2.

I will go if you ask me to and if I go I'm goin on fire, let my anger take me there.

waiting and wondering whether your fonder heart lies.

i know that it is freezing but i think we have to walk.

you're so happy that your free, but if you're no better now than you've ever been you owe me an apology.

Utkast: Feb. 4, 2012 - a messy messed up mess.

the dust factory.

outdoorwalking or a broken car.

i could quit anytime that i want but i won't cause i lied.

this is just to tell you there is a place i always go back to.

a steady grip round her wrist and she won't ever lift her head, neither will you.

we are family now.

we could drift away yet you precist to stay rooted deep in that leached soil.

i know they call it young summer love and us naive, maybe we are.

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