in egypt, where nights are cold and days are burning, just another dessert night.

in lights of a saturday night we're all pathetic people.

i need calming and comfort, something to drown out the noise.

tror du vi kan ropa efter nån med förstånd som kan se vad vi gör och förstå vad vi menar? jag tror du söker efter mer än du ser men jag ser att du ler och jag tror att du tvivlar.

i've been sleeping so strange at night.

We'll come in low out of the rising sun, and about a mile out we'll put on the music.

to only live for love is nonsens, you know we do need a whole lot more.

should i answer when you're asking, can you hear me through my lies? the roads we walked were winding, I'll think of you tonight, please call me when you're about to slow down.

then Emma Mayhew dies, and everything that she thought or felt vanishes and is gone forever.

i know you like i know myself. i know my future like i know yours em.


gonna gonna gonna gonna gonna gonna gonna, yeah?

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